Saturday, August 6, 2011

End of Summer / Back to School Mini-Sessions

If you would like to book a session for the South Carolina End of Summer/Back to School Mini Sessions for the weekend of August 13th and 14th, please contact me. Spaces are limited and are going fast!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

J + S = Sisterly Love | Durham, NC Kid (sibling) Photographer

The other weekend I had the honor of meeting two sweet and wonderful little girls, and their mother. We had so much fun wondering around the gardens that weekend, and getting to know one another. Fahima, it was so nice to finally meet you and your girls.

Here is a sneak peek from their session.

Sisters are different flowers from the same garden.
~Author Unknown~

During our session I grabbed this picture of J and S with their mom.
Fahima you have two beautiful girls, and I know you are proud.

~Mothers hold their children's hands for just a little while, and their hearts forever.~

Monday, August 1, 2011

Allison Wedding = Love | South Carolina Photographer

Last month I had the pleasure of photographing Barron and Casey's wedding which was so much fun. You guys looked great! Congrats to you both and I wish you nothing but the best!

Here are just a few photos from the wedding.

Baby P | Clinton South Carolina Newborn Photographer

I had so much fun the other weekend when photographing little Mr. P. Dana you have one little cutie, and I am looking forward to seeing him grow up and you being a mommy! You are going to be a great one!

Love little toes!

Before anyone starts to judge as to why I put a newborn in a devil hat, you must first understand why I did this. This is a tribute to, not only mine, but also his mom and dad's high school alma mater. Our high school is known as the Clinton High Red Devils. So knowing how much of a fan they are I knew this was going to be a picture that I really wanted to do, and I am so glad that I did.

So here is little Mr. P, CHS Class of 2029. (It will be here before we know it).